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2016年 京都音楽協会賞(京都市立芸術大学音楽学部卒業時/管打楽器専攻次席)

2016年 優秀賞(第21回KOBE国際音楽コンクール打楽器C部門)

演奏曲目→Richard Rodney Bennett/After Syrinx Ⅱ

2017年 YAMAHA賞(第31回関西打楽器協会主催打楽器新人演奏会)

演奏曲目→福士則夫/グラウンド 湯山昭/マリンバとアルト・サクソフォンのためのディベルティメント

2017年 優秀賞(第32回日本打楽器協会主催打楽器新人演奏会)


2020年 入選(現代音楽演奏コンクール”競楽ⅩⅣ”本選)


     【本選】山根明季子/Poppi Cue Popper Key 稲谷祐亮/≪dia-Monolog/mono-Dialog≫自問、渦渦渦...カホンソロのための


2016年、小澤征爾‬音楽塾生オペラプロジェクトⅩⅣ「こうもり」、セイジ・オザワ松本フェスティバル 子どものためのオペラ「子どもと魔法」に打楽器奏者として参加。




2020年6月、【めをと でゅお】の活動が「新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響に伴う京都市文化芸術活動緊急奨励金」に採択される。8月に京都芸術センターのフリースペースにて演奏動画収録を行う。


【めをと でゅお】【Magritt】【たいこ組】【ÜMM(うーむ)】各グループ主宰。

名倉誠人、Emanuel Sejourne、Pius Cheung、Pascal Pons各氏のマスタークラスを受講。

Born in 1993. Electone from a young age, percussion in junior high school in the brass band, and piano in high school.

Acquired a license for junior high and high school music teachers (Kyoto City University of Arts) and a music specialty license (Soai University).

Graduated from the Department of Music and Percussion, Faculty of Music, Kyoto City University of Arts. Enrolled as a music scholarship student of Aoyama Foundation in 2015. Appeared in a graduation concert. Received the Kyoto Music Society Award at the time of graduation. Held a duo recital on campus with Yuki Omura, a flute, while still in school.

Completed a music major at Soai University. Appeared at the completion concert.

21st KOBE International Music Competition Percussion Instrument C Category Excellence Award (3rd place). Appeared in the 35th Azeria Recommended Rookie Concert Selection Audition and performed. Received the YAMAHA Award at the 31st Kansai Percussion Association New Percussion Concert, and received the recommendation and appeared at the 32nd Japan Percussion Association New Percussion Concert.
After the audition for the 4th, 5th and 6th Kansai College of Music Orchestra Festival, he has been the Chief Timpanist for 3 consecutive years.
In 2016, Seiji Ozawa Music School Student Opera Project ⅩⅣ “Bat”, Sage Ozawa Matsumoto Festival Participated in the children's opera “Children and Magic” as a percussionist. 2017-Participated in Izumi Sinfonietta Osaka.
In August 2019, the first solo recital was held at the Aoyama Music Memorial Museum Baroque Saar in Kyoto (Aoyama Music Foundation rookie grant performance).

Studied percussion instruments and marimbas with Sumiko Ito, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Kunihiko Komori, Yoshimasa Horiuchi, Fumito Nunoya, Mitsuru Nakatani, and Yasuko Miyamoto. Studied drum and Latin percussion with Yukihide Kutsuno.
Participated in Master Classes by Makoto Nakura, Emanuel Sejourne, Pius Cheung and Pascal Pons.
Take public lessons by Mika Takehara, Isao Nakamura, Mutsuko Taneya and Sumire Yoshihara.

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